Sunday, January 13, 2013

November Re-Cap

November has come and gone and I didn't really write about what happened during the month. This has been one of the craziest months of my life thus far... I remember when I was teaching 3rd grade and pregnant. I would come home exhausted and just plop down and do nothing... Those days are gone! Now when I come home, I have Lanae to worry about. She is going through a needy phase right now. She seems to need constant attention these days. But as long as she is getting attention, she is happy. When she's happy, we're happy!

stuck on a box
Even though it's been busy, I love teaching in November. I think kids these days really benefit from focusing on gratitude. I probably benefit from it, too. Lately, my kids have been more polite and thoughtful to everyone around them, including me! There are also so many fun activities to do with turkeys. The students wrote these really cute persuasive letters to a farmer from the perspective of a turkey. They were supposed to persuade the farmer not to eat them for Thanksgiving. We also did a turkey disguise activity that turned out really cute.

Scott has had an enormous amount of obligations this month: applications to programs, thesis, work, plus papers, presentations, meetings, etc. for school. We have needed a lot of help this month from neighbors and friends. We still have a couple more weeks of this insane crazy before things calm down to the normal crazy we deal with around here. Finals are just around the corner. Yesterday, we were able to get Scott's first application in for a PhD program. Only 5 more to go! Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will be able to report that we have made even more progress!

Because of the crazy, we have ended up eating out a couple of times this month, which isn't something we do normally because it is so expensive. We found that Lanae loves eating at places with a salad bar because there is a huge variety of food that she can choose from and she likes all of it: peas, olives, hard boiled eggs, beets, cheese, little crackers, etc. Luckily, I received some teacher appreciation cards from work that gave us a discount at a couple of places that we went.
the Brick Oven

Some other highlights of the month are that we were able to spend Thanksgiving with Scott's family and my brother and sister. Lanae loved seeing her Grandma and Grandpa and receiving even more attention over the break. We also went to see the Savior of the World production, which was such a wonderful, uplifting experience. I love that show! Right after the break, we were able to visit with one of my best friends, Erica and her family, who was in town for the holiday. She has the most adorable baby girl.

Savior of the World

Lanae and Ava

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